Friday, June 20, 2008

My First Contract!

So I finally got an interview! On Tuesday, I went in to interview for a 5 week contract job with Motorola. It was great 'cause they didn't ask me all the hard interview questions we all know and love. She basically told me what the job was and asked if I was interested. The job is to create simple 3-4 page websites based on companies Yellow Pages ads. So the main part of the interview was for me to create a mock up of a website in Photoshop and write an introductory paragraph about the company. This was so they could evaluate my writing skills as well as design skills. I had an hour and a half to do it. Well guess what? I got the job! Here's the mock up I came up with.

I was happy with it. I guess they were to. =P Especially since they are going to pay me a dollar an hour more than I was originally quoted!

This position is at night from 5:00pm-1:30am. I've worked out an arrangement with my current employer where I am now paid hourly so I can work both jobs for the five week duration. It's going to be a rough 5 weeks, but well worth it. I'll get some great experience and have some extra money for once! Also, I get to keep my benefits. That's pretty huge.

I'm wondering what the web authoring software is that I'll be using. She said it's like a cross between Dreamweaver and Powerpoint. Can't imagine how that works, but I guess I'll find out. If it's at all like Dreamweaver, then I should have no problems.

This is definitely a positive turn for me. I'm excited to see what other job opportunities await me in the near future.

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