I wanted to take a little time to talk about the work I do for Meyer Corporation. My official title is "Website Coordinator". A lot of my job involves maintaining and updating our websites, monitoring analytics creating reports, and other things that most of you might find boring.
Fortunately, I like what I do and a lot of my job involves designing things for our websites or other miscellaneous jobs. I've done a lot of work on anolon.com. Namely, the flash animation on the home page and the little boxes you find around the site (which we call touts).
I did the headers for the following pages:
Delicious Future
About Delicious Future
Slow Food USA
Farm to Table
I also do the the same type of work for circulon.com. I can't take credit for the flash on this one though. Obviously I can't list everything I do, the list would never end. The main thing on these sites though is the touts and other promotions. The rest is setting up products or other miscelanious things. My boss Dan does a ton of work on these sites too.
Another site I work on is potsandpans.com. I change the design on the main page a couple of times a month. Currently there is a Christmas theme displayed. Not my best work ever but hey, I was pressed for time.
I did some random things on kitchenaidcookware.com. I created most of the home page that exists now. I had to work within the confines of the existing design so there wasn't a lot of freedom there. Basically I modernized it. Trust me when I say that it looks a lot better now! I'm particularly happy with the buttons I created on the right hand side.
Currently I'm working on FarberwareCookware.com. I did some work on the existing site, but the whole site is undergoing a complete redesign. I'm finishing up some of the final touches (I didn't design the site). The new site will be launching next month.
Anyways, it's late and I'm tired so I'll stop here. I'm sure people are just dying to here about my job =P I'll write more about the working life of Joe Buchmann again another time =)
An Ode To Side Project Time
18 hours ago